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Jan 25

Optimal desk height: tips and tricks for the right setting

Your desk is like a silent team player in your everyday office life. But if the height isn't adjusted correctly, it can quickly turn from a team player into a health risk. The correct adjustment makes all the difference: to your back, your posture and your productivity.

In this article you will learn how to find your optimal desk height and what advantages modern, height-adjustable desks offer.

Did you know?

According to a study by the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), the use of height-adjustable desks reduces neck and back pain by up to 54% - and that within just four weeks! The ability to regularly switch between sitting and standing not only increases your well-being, but also your productivity.
A real win-win situation!

Why the optimal desk height is so important

Most people now know that sitting for long periods of time is unhealthy. However, office furniture can also quickly become the secret culprit behind back pain and tension - for example, if your office chair and desk are not properly adjusted to you and your body:

If the desk is set too low, you tend to bend forward towards the screen and automatically adopt an unhealthy hunched back posture. On the other hand, if your desk is too high, your shoulder blade is unconsciously pushed up so your neck and shoulder muscles thank you with tension. In extreme cases, such poor posture can remain and lead to chronic back problems or cardiovascular problems.

The good news:
It only takes a few simple steps to easily identify and correct these problems.

Detail shot of the height-adjustable desk Aeris Active Desk. With a height-adjustable desk, you can adjust your optimal desk height to suit your individual needs.

What to look out for when choosing your desk level

The optimal desk height depends on several factors, all of which contribute to making your workplace ergonomic and reducing the strain on your body. Here are the most important aspects to consider when adjusting your desk height:

  • 1. Body height
    Your body height plays a key role in determining your optimal desk height. It forms the basis for all calculations, whether you are sitting or standing.

  • 2. Leg length
    The length of your legs will affect how high your desk and chair need to be to ensure a comfortable and healthy posture. Your feet should be able to rest flat on the floor when you sit.

  • 3. Type of work
    Different tasks place different demands on your posture and the way you work. Whether you're typing, drawing, writing or sketching on your laptop, your desk needs to support what you're doing.

  • 4. Comfort level
    Last but not least, your personal comfort is decisive. Every body is different and has different needs. Therefore, every small adjustment is worth it until you really feel comfortable and can work motivated and productively.

Step-by-step instructions: How to optimally adjust your desk height

In order to adjust your optimal desk height, a (height) adjustable desk is obviously an essential requirement. But you can also improve the ergonomics of your workplace without one - namely by first adjusting your office chair correctly. This should generally always be the first step to make, before adjusting your desk. We have already put together a detailed step-by-step guide for you.

Once your office chair is correctly adjusted to your needs, you can fine-tune it to find the optimal desk height. This applies to both sitting and standing work:

  • Rest your forearms relaxed on the table top.
  • Let your upper arms hang loosely.
  • Your upper and lower arms should now form an angle of at least 90°.

Man sitting on Aeris Swopper office chair at an Aeris Active Desk with the optimal desk height. In order to work productively and healthily, you should adjust both your office chair and your desk height to suit you and your needs.

How to calculate your optimal desk height

Ergonomics experts recommend calculating the optimal desk height based on your body height. There are different formulas for this, depending on whether you want to calculate your desk height while sitting or standing:


  • Desk height: height (in cm) ÷ 2.48
  • Seat height: height (in cm) ÷ 3.75

Examples of common body sizes:

height Recommended desk height
150 – 160 cm 61 – 66 cm
160 – 170 cm 66 – 70 cm
170 – 180 cm 70 – 74 cm
180 – 190 cm 74 – 78 cm


  • Desk height when standing: height (in cm) ÷ 1.58

Examples of common body sizes:

height Recommended desk height
150 – 160 cm 92 - 101 cm
160 – 170 cm 101 - 107 cm
170 – 180 cm 107 - 114 cm
180 – 190 cm 114 - 120 cm

Everyone is built differently: some people have a longer upper body, others have longer legs. You should always take this into account when setting up your office furniture. The tables give you a good guide, but ultimately the rule is: set up your office furniture so that it suits you and your body.

Adjust the height of your desk and office chair gradually and test different settings.

Our recommendation: Ergonomic desks from Aeris

Sitting or standing... why not both? With the height-adjustable desks from Aeris, you can bring dynamism to your everyday work - good for your back, your ideas and your flow. This makes switching between sitting and standing not only possible, but super easy:

Aeris Active Desk - the all-rounder for the modern office

Thanks to the intelligent memory and reminder function of the Aeris Active Desk, you can save your individual sitting and standing height and easily recall it later at the touch of a button. With a gentle flash or a slight vibration, your desk tells you when it's time to change position - without disrupting your workflow.

With its slim shape and space-saving size, the Aeris Active Desk is perfect for any home office or office. It fits even in small spaces and ensures an organized workspace with its elegant design.

The active desk is available in three sizes and in different color combinations - to match any interior design style. This means you can not only tailor your desk to suit you, but also to your individual work room.

Aeris Active Office® Desk – dynamic without interruption

The Aeris Active Office® Desk goes one step further: With its divided sitting and standing area, you can switch quickly – without having to adjust the height. This means less downtime, more movement and a fresh mind for creative ideas.

And the best part: you can concentrate completely on your work while your desk has full control over your posture. This keeps your workflow dynamic, your energy high and your coffee break optional.

Woman works at the height-adjustable Aeris Active Office Desk with the optimal desk height and sits on the ergonomic Aeris Swopper office stool. The Aeris Active Office® Desk with its two table tops allows you to easily switch from sitting to standing.

The optimal desk height is a key component for a healthy and efficient working day. A desk that is correctly adjusted to your needs not only ensures that you sit or stand comfortably, but also actively contributes to preventing health problems such as back pain, tension or long-term posture problems.

Now you are well equipped to adjust your desk perfectly to your needs and transform your workplace into a real feel-good zone!

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