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What does prevention mean?

The term prevention has its origins in the Latin language and comes from the word praevenire, which means “to anticipate”. In our current language, prevention refers to a measure or a combination of measures that are intended to avert an undesirable condition or situation.

Prevention is very important in the medical and health policy fields. Diseases should be prevented as far as possible or the consequences should be kept as low as possible. So-called primary prevention begins before the disease occurs and is intended to prevent it from occurring in the first place. This includes, for example, back exercises for targeted muscle building and to prevent back pain.

Secondary prevention is about the early detection of diseases and the containment of their development. This includes, for example, screenings for breast and colon cancer, but also preventive measures for young people to prevent addiction.

The importance of prevention

Medical or disease prevention is not only important for each individual, but also has a social and political significance. Of course, health insurance companies and health insurers have a great interest in ensuring that their insured do not become ill in the first place. Every disease that can be prevented saves money and lengthy treatments. But prevention is also important in an economic sense, since sick leave or early retirement also puts a strain on the economy. Prevention is therefore in everyone's interest.

Prevention Guide

The GKV-Spitzenverband (GKV = statutory health insurance) regularly publishes an up-to-date “Prevention Guide”. This forms the basis for promoting measures for the early prevention of disease risks and for strengthening health potential and resources.

The guide identifies some so-called primary prevention topics such as cardiovascular diseases, diabetes or diseases of the muscles and skeleton, which need to be detected or prevented as early as possible. The preventive measures themselves are divided into different fields of action, which means: what risk factors are present and how should they be dealt with? The first thing mentioned here is exercise habits. Because, as the guide states, it is undisputed that a lack of exercise is a health risk factor on the one hand and that physical activity is a key factor in maintaining and restoring physical and mental health on the other.

Exercise prevents

The risk factor of lack of exercise has increased over time. Due to technological advances and changes in society, fewer and fewer people have to do physical work. Food does not have to be hunted and gathered like our ancestors did. Food can be bought conveniently in the supermarket. People are increasingly working at a desk or on a computer. Even as children, people sit too much and for too long in a bad posture.

It is therefore important to ensure meaningful and continuous movement during sedentary activities, ideally one that is natural, intuitive, self-organized and spontaneous. Not every chair or office chair allows this natural movement. In contrast to most conventional office chairs, however, the Aeris active chairs such as the Swopper and Muvman or the Swoppster for children demand and encourage precisely this movement while sitting. It is made possible by the patented 3D technology. As studies show, more than twice as much movement is possible on the Aeris Swopper than on a normal office chair.

This movement meets the goals of the prevention guidelines in many ways, as it strengthens the back and abdominal muscles, which can prevent muscular and skeletal diseases or help prevent existing back problems from getting worse. Sitting on the Aeris Swopper also gets your circulation going, which can have a positive effect on your performance. Overall, the Aeris active chairs offer a lot of potential when it comes to preventing a lack of exercise.

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