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Sitting and health

Integrate exercise more into everyday life

Anyone who thinks that health only means the absence of illness is very much mistaken. The term implies, among other things, feeling good, being productive and optimistic. But how do we achieve these states? Fitness can help us. If we exercise enough, we create the ideal conditions for staying healthy. Exercise should therefore definitely be integrated more into our everyday lives. With the active seating furniture from Aeris, effective exercise is brought to sitting for the first time, and this is beneficial to our fitness and health.

Stimulate circulation

The circulation is the name given to the paths along which blood circulates through our body. Blood serves as a means of transporting food, oxygen and metabolic waste products. Blood circulation is kept going by the heart, the muscle fibres of the artery walls and by breathing . The movement of the body's muscles plays an important role in the further transport of blood in the veins. If the calf muscles are moved, for example, they become shorter and thicker. This also pushes the blood in the veins further up towards the heart. Venous valves prevent it "at every level" from simply sinking back. Breathing also plays a crucial role in the return of venous blood: good breathing exercises are one of the most important means of supporting the circulation.

What happens when you sit on conventional chairs?

If you breathe deeply and move around a lot, you are always doing something for your circulation. If you stand or sit upright, you give your diaphragm enough room for deep breathing. But if you sit on a conventional chair, you hardly move at all and there is almost no muscle movement. In addition, a hunched back posture restricts the abdominal cavity and thus the diaphragm and breathing. The result: circulation is impaired, the brain is poorly supplied with oxygen, yawning, tiredness and mental blocks become inevitable.

What happens when you sit on Aeris active seating?

Anyone sitting on the Aeris Swopper, the Aeris Swoppster, the Aeris 3Dee, the Aeris Oyo or the Aeris Muvman sits upright and moves a wide variety of muscle groups. This means that breathing is deeper, circulation stays better, blood vessels are not constricted, the brain is better supplied with oxygen, and you stay happier, fitter and more productive.

Unleash performance potential

American studies have shown that when the body is subjected to a light load of 20 to 25 watts, mental performance increases by around 15 percent. This is precisely the activation of the organism that can be achieved by the new sitting-in-motion approach. You remain in motion even when sitting down, and poor posture and tension in the entire posture system are avoided.

Over 70% of employees who work at computer screens complain of physical discomfort. Poor working postures reduce our personal performance by up to 40%. Better seating conditions not only help to release this performance potential, but also create greater health and motivation.

The problem with presenteeism

Presenteeism is being present at work without being able to perform at full capacity. For example, if you show up at work despite being ill. If you come to work despite having a headache or backache and are constantly struggling with the pain. According to a survey by the AOK Scientific Institute (WIdO), around a third of employees go to work against the express advice of their doctor. Presenteeism often occurs when you have back pain. The damage to companies is immense. A study by the American Cornell University recorded productivity losses three times higher due to sick employees at work than due to colleagues on sick leave. (Source: Wikipedia)

Sitting healthily – variety makes the difference!

Chairs that try to force us into "a correct posture" are outdated. The more often we change our posture and sitting positions, the more we keep moving while sitting , the better for our whole body. The Aeris Swopper is the seat that offers the most mobility when sitting in the world. It enables three-dimensional balancing movements when sitting, while conventional seats only allow movements in two dimensions at most - but these are often not freely selectable, but rather linear, for example, as with the synchronous mechanism. All active seats from Aeris demand and encourage flexible sitting and thus meet all the requirements that doctors and therapists place on healthy sitting.

Why sitting while moving is important

The chain of links in the vertebral bodies only functions when the balance of the pelvis is unstable. Only the balance of the pelvis enables the balance of the support and movement system that is based on it. In particular, spinal vibrations are regularly changed, intervertebral discs are constantly supplied with nutrients, complex back muscles are stimulated and strengthened, and over 100 joints in the spine are kept moving.

Active, dynamic sitting activates the sense of balance and movement functions and keeps our body's neurophysiological functions "awake" when sitting and moving. This stimulates the nervous metabolism, we are more alert and can concentrate better.

Willst du deinen Aeris Swopper personalisieren?

Du hast deinen Lieblings-Swopper konfiguriert? Dann kannst du nun mit der Personalisierung beginnen. Und so geht’s: Trage deinen Wunschtext einfach in das Feld ein – Fertig.

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