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What is metabolism?

Metabolism is what enables all vital processes in the body. In principle, metabolism is the biochemistry within the cells. Nutrients that are transported and distributed by the blood are used in the cells, broken down, reassembled and converted in order to be excreted again. In other words, they are metabolized. Thanks to metabolism, our body uses and utilizes the nutrients it receives - these are vitamins, minerals and trace elements - and uses them where they are needed. The control center for metabolism is located in the nervous and hormonal systems, and the most important metabolic organ is the liver.

The most important things about metabolism at a glance

There are different types of metabolism depending on the substances that are "exchanged". There is carbohydrate metabolism for energy production, in which the complex carbohydrates are first broken down into easily "digestible" sugar molecules and transported into the cells. The actual metabolism then takes place in the cells themselves. If the body already has enough energy, this simple sugar is stored. Fat metabolism also serves to generate energy - and also stores it for "bad times". Protein metabolism is particularly responsible for the development of muscle cells, mineral metabolism for the development of bones.

How can you boost your metabolism?

As mentioned, the metabolism also ensures that energy is stored. Anyone who goes on a diet naturally takes care to consume fewer calories than they need - or to increase calorie consumption - and thus reduce the stores that are noticeable as fat. There is always a basal metabolic rate, which is the amount of calories that a body needs to function, even when it is doing nothing or sleeping. Any action beyond this, however, requires additional energy and can help to boost the metabolism. However, there are different metabolism types and some people have a lower basal metabolic rate, which means they have to do more to increase the overall metabolic rate and burn calories faster.

In general, however, movement or additional movement increases energy consumption and thus energy metabolism. For people who work sitting down a lot, this is easier said than done. In this case, continuous, sensible movement is recommended at the workplace, ideally with a so-called active chair, which ensures that the user moves more when sitting than on a conventional chair. The Aeris Swopper , for example, ensures that the person sitting moves more than twice as much as on a conventional chair or office chair. Studies have shown that you can actually increase your energy consumption by up to 300 kilocalories a day on an Aeris Swopper compared to sitting on another chair. The more you swipe while sitting, the better - because regardless of energy consumption, the oxygen supply to the brain is also boosted, which improves your mood!

Thinking further, you can also set up your workplace according to the Aeris Active Office movement concept . Thanks to two work surfaces at standing and sitting height and a new work organization, work and movement merge completely with one another, every impulse, every new task triggers movement and thus brings natural movement into everyday work.

Willst du deinen Aeris Swopper personalisieren?

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  • Bitte beachte, dass personalisierte Produkte von Umtausch, Stornierung und Rückgabe ausgeschlossen sind.
  • Die Lieferzeit verlängert sich um bis zu 10 Tage.
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