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Artikel Feb 23

New Work needs new concepts

A conversation with Patrick Wurm, CGO at Aeris, about the opportunities of New Work and new concepts.

Globalization, digitization and hybrid working: The world of work has been experiencing unprecedented change for several years. In addition to major tasks, there are also many opportunities. Patrick Wurm (CGO at Aeris) explains why a rethink is urgently needed when it comes to New Work.

What is meant by New Work?

Patrick Wurm: The buzzword "New Work" is not as new as many people currently claim. It is about, among other things, the transformation of the world of work through digitalization. Thanks to digital possibilities, many activities have now become location-independent. This "new way of working" brings with it many advantages, but also major challenges. An important question is: How can employers keep their employees mentally and physically active - regardless of where they work?

What exactly are these challenges?

Patrick Wurm: Our experience and studies show that people often only move up to 2 km a day when working from home. This is a blatant lack of exercise compared to the recommended minimum of 10,000 steps a day and has massive negative consequences. Apart from physical pain, one in ten respondents to our Aeris home office study also has psychological problems. This is an avalanche rolling towards the health system. This is why employers, legislators and each and every individual must take action.

The Aeris Swopper office stool and Aeris Numo Task office chair are ideal companions in the office.

Why do these problems arise in the home office?

Patrick Wurm: At the beginning of Corona, the proportion of people who regularly work from home rose to over 50 percent. The problem here is that, unlike the office, the home office is not regulated by law. The office furniture and technical equipment are often much worse than in the workplace. Many people don't even have a study and sit on the couch or at the dining table for hours. All of this leads to poor posture and little exercise. The result is quite drastic health problems, such as back pain and headaches or severe muscle tension.

So does that mean we turn back the clock, everyone goes back to the office and the problem is solved?

Patrick Wurm: No, it's not that simple! In recent years, the expectations of employees - especially among Millennials and Gen Z - have changed dramatically. For many, the freedom and individual advantages of working from home are a prerequisite for a job. However, going to the office also offers many advantages. The solution is to interlink and bundle all of these individual advantages. This is why holistic new work concepts for hybrid working are urgently needed.

The Aeris Muvman standing chair combines dynamic sitting and standing.

While we’re at it: What are the advantages of the classic office?

Patrick Wurm: In some areas, the office has clear added value compared to working on the road or at home. It offers space for communication, strengthens the sense of community and creates identity. In addition, you get inspiration from other people in the office. This means that creativity is often greater in the office than when you are alone at home. All of this has a positive effect on well-being and performance.

And what are the advantages of home office and location-independent working?

Patrick Wurm: The advantages are clear. More flexible working allows for a better balance between job, family and leisure time. It is also possible to organize work more individually. It also makes ecological sense: commuter traffic is permanently reduced and CO2 emissions are saved.

The Aeris Numo Task office chair allows easy movements in all directions.

The solution is holistic New Work concepts? What could these solutions look like?

Patrick Wurm: We need a new set of rules that is tailored to each individual. We must finally break old patterns of thinking and stop thinking in categories such as office or home office. The focus must be on individualized workplace solutions.

This means that we should ask ourselves: What does each individual employee need to stay physically and mentally fit, productive and healthy? In English, they say "one size fits no one" and that is true. Everyone has different needs, requirements and personal circumstances. With a conceptually coordinated "hyper-personalization" of the working world, the office and home office merge with one another.

The Active Office Desk consists of a split standing and sitting work surface and allows you to intuitively switch between standing and sitting.

That sounds very exciting. But how does this hyper-personalization work?

Patrick Wurm: First of all, you obviously need the right equipment to keep people mentally and physically active. For example, our Aeris Swopper and a height-adjustable desk. Among other things, we have developed a table that allows you to automatically switch between sitting and standing without having to adjust anything.

It is important that you intuitively incorporate exercise into your day. This also means creating flexible and transparent working hours. This allows you to exercise in between – for example for sport, shopping during your lunch break or housework.

Washing clothes during working hours: What would have potentially been a reason for dismissal in the past is something employers should now definitely take into account in their movement concepts for hybrid working!

This may sound very banal, but it is impossible in the old way of thinking during working hours. It is important to recognise that New Work offers us many more opportunities than challenges. We are currently experiencing a paradigm shift and should use it together. Then a new, exciting, healthy and active working world will be open to us.
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Home office as a cause of headaches and back pain

DACH study shows: Home office causes health problems such as back pain or headaches for two out of three employees.

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Cause of widespread back pain: Too little exercise at work

More than 18 million employees in Germany suffer from back pain as a result of their job. The cause is often too little exercise in the office.

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