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Artikel May 21

Aeris Muvmat increases performance

Study confirms: Working while standing on the Aeris Muvmat promotes mental and physical performance.

The study on working on the Aeris Muvmat by the University of Mainz confirms that the active standing mat has strong positive effects on mental and physical performance.

The study concludes that you work much better on the Aeris Muvmat standing mat than on hard, flat ground in terms of attention, ability to concentrate, heart rate variability, tension in the shoulder and neck muscles and overall well-being. The Aeris Muvmat is designed in such a way that feet and joints are relieved by an elastic surface. At the same time, different structures inside the mat encourage users to make small movements that have a positive effect on the entire body.

"The study results show that with the Aeris Muvmat we have developed a unique support for people who work standing up. And not just in the office, but everywhere where there is a lot of standing," says Josef Glöckl, founder and managing director of Aeris GmbH, commenting on the results of Dr. Diana Henz at the Institute of Sports Science headed by Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Schöllhorn at the Johannes Gutenberg University in Mainz.

Based on the results of their study, the researchers recommend using the Aeris Muvmat “in everyday working life to increase cognitive performance, subjective well-being and to promote health.” Its therapeutic use in cases of gait disorders, lack of concentration and disorders of the synchronization of the brain hemispheres is also suggested.

The results in brief. On the active standing mat Aeris Muvmat…
• …short-term and long-term concentration skills improve.
• …both halves of the brain are activated. This enables the subjects to
creative solutions and work much more efficiently.
• …the plasticity of the brain increases. Through better networking of the
Brain cells among themselves (synapse formation) become complex thought patterns
• …the cardiovascular system is relieved.
• …the neck muscles are stretched, the shoulder muscles have to work less
become compensatory active. In both muscle groups,
Tension (and therefore pain) is avoided.
• …the subjective well-being improves, the subjects feel
more alert, fitter and better.

The anti-fatigue mat Aeris Muvmat in detail. Active zone and comfort zone.
The Aeris Muvmat in detail. The comfort zone made of integral foam ensures comfortable standing. The active zone stimulates the foot reflex zones.

The study structure
The test subjects simulated a typical working day at a sit-stand workstation over a period of two weeks on a total of 10 working days of 4 hours each. The test subjects carried out standardized, randomized work tasks that addressed different areas of cognitive performance, as well as everyday office activities (processing emails, checking texts, doing math problems, etc.) on screen and on paper. EEG, ECG and EMG activity was measured before, during and after working in the experimental and control conditions.

This is already the second impressive study result for the Aeris Muvmat. A study by the University of Stuttgart confirmed that users of the Aeris Muvmat had an increase in muscle activity of around 25 percent immediately after use and that their sense of balance improved.

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Does your office chair have a backrest? Then you should get out of there as soon as possible! A backrest does more harm than good.

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Home office as a cause of headaches and back pain

DACH study shows: Home office causes health problems such as back pain or headaches for two out of three employees.

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Never just sit! 360° relaunch at Aeris

Aeris is reinventing itself. The relaunch includes both the brand image and the product portfolio

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