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Aeris Swopper prevents back pain

The Aeris Swopper Study

As part of a scientific study on the work and movement situation in office workplaces, the research group for work sociology and technology design, FGAT, at the Hamburg University of Applied Sciences, headed by Professor Dr. Detlef Krüger, collected and evaluated more than 1000 responses via questionnaires after at least 4 weeks of swopper use in companies and businesses. The clear conclusion: The Aeris Swopper successfully prevents back pain!

Results of the evaluation

  • 91 percent of respondents worked on the screen for more than 2 hours a day, almost 40 percent even worked more than 6 hours.
  • Almost 50 percent of respondents found the physical strain caused by sitting at work to be strong to very strong.
  • Well over 80 percent of the test subjects already had problems with the musculoskeletal system or muscle tension: back pain, neck pain, shoulder pain and problems in the arm.
  • Around 90 percent of the pilot project participants saw a clear connection between sedentary employment and the complaints.
  • Almost 60 percent of the test subjects used the Aeris Swopper for more than four hours a day, 22 percent sat for two to four hours and around 18 percent sat for up to two hours on the active-dynamic seating element that was new to them.
  • Almost 90 percent said the biggest advantages were the constant change in load on the Aeris Swopper, almost 40 percent noted increased performance and 35 percent highlighted the greater freedom of movement on this piece of office furniture.
  • When asked “Have your symptoms or physical well-being improved through the use of the Aeris Swopper?” a clear majority of almost 2/3 of all respondents answered “Yes”, “Yes, significantly” or “Yes, very significantly”.

Assessment of the survey results:

Prof. Krüger: "This result must be considered extremely remarkable when you consider that nothing else was done than 'just' changing the way you sit! No medication, no surgery, no radiation, no massages, no special gymnastics or anything like that. Just the new way of sitting on the Aeris Swopper brought noticeable improvements to the vast majority of those surveyed."

The connection between "sitting in motion" and "health and well-being" was also documented by this study. Swopping not only keeps the back, but the whole person fit and healthy.

The results of this study support what the Hannover Medical School, among others, has discovered in collaboration with the AOK Lower Saxony: preventive measures bring health and economic benefits for the widespread disease of back pain. In other words: targeted prevention is more effective and more cost-effective than many complex treatment methods.

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  • Bitte beachte, dass personalisierte Produkte von Umtausch, Stornierung und Rückgabe ausgeschlossen sind.
  • Die Lieferzeit verlängert sich um bis zu 10 Tage.
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