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EEG study

What is an EEG study? EEG is the abbreviation for electroencephalography or electroencephalogram and comes from the Greek encephalon and graphein, which means "brain writing"...
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Office chair

The right ergonomic office chair People working in an office spend many hours of the day sitting on an office chair. And what about the prospects? This will not decrease - th...
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What is evolution? The word evolution comes from the Latin word evolvere, which means "to develop". In this article, we look at evolution from a biological perspective. In a ...
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AGR seal of quality distinguishes products

The right chair prevents back problems The Healthy Back Campaign (AGR) is an interface between medicine and industry. It shows the industry how to produce back-friendly furni...
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What is the spine? The spine is an important part of the skeleton that holds and supports the human body. Like an axis or a flexible column, the spine forms the center of the ...
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What is osteoarthritis? Osteoarthritis is a progressive damage to the joint cartilage, which over time also affects the adjacent bones. Osteoarthritis can occur in all joints...
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Why is exercise so important? Movement is THE theme that drives the Aeris company and all employees. The company motto is: "Life in motion" and all Aeris products are consist...
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How does breathing work? Whether through the nose or the mouth, we could not survive without breathing and without the oxygen that we take in. But breathing consists of more ...
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Occupational Safety and Health Act

What is the Occupational Safety and Health Act? The Occupational Safety and Health Act implements the European Framework Directive on Occupational Safety and Health 89/391/EE...
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Aeris Swopper prevents back pain

The Aeris Swopper Study As part of a scientific study on the work and movement situation in office workplaces, the research group for work sociology and technology design, FG...
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Nucleus: Bedeutung und Definition

What is Nucleus? The term nucleus is Latin and means core in English, but is also written as Nukleus in German. Basically, it means the core of an object (or group). In this ...
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Sitting and health

Integrate exercise more into everyday life Anyone who thinks that health only means the absence of illness is very much mistaken. The term implies, among other things, feelin...
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Metabolic syndrome

What is metabolic syndrome? Metabolic syndrome is a disease resulting from permanent overeating that goes hand in hand with a lack of exercise . Metabolic syndrome is also ca...
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What is metabolism? Metabolism is what enables all vital processes in the body. In principle, metabolism is the biochemistry within the cells. Nutrients that are transported ...
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Saddle chair

What is a saddle chair? As the name suggests, a saddle chair is a chair with a seat that resembles a riding saddle. The seat height is often a little higher than that of a co...
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Psoas Muskel: Verspannungen vorbeugen und lösen

What is Psoas? A distinction is made between the psoas major muscle, which is the large lumbar muscle, and the psoas minor muscle, which is the small lumbar muscle. The latte...
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What is osteochondrosis? Osteochondrosis is a degenerative disease of the bones. During the growth phase of the bones, the cartilage is normally converted into bone. If a dis...
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Intervertebral disc

What is an intervertebral disc? An intervertebral disc (lat. Discus intervertebralis) is a small, fibrous cartilaginous disc between two vertebrae, which consists of two part...
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Intuitive movement

What does intuitive movement mean? To explain intuitive movement, you first have to explain the term "intuitive" or "intuition". Intuition is also described as a feeling or a...
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Hunters and collectors

Where does the term “hunter-gatherer” come from? Our ancestors were real hunters and gatherers. Even the Neanderthals went hunting and gathered food. But just a few thousand ...
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Posture change

The importance of changing your posture Anyone who spends a lot of time sitting down at work knows the consequences of a lack of exercise and sitting in one position for too ...
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What is balance? The dictionary distinguishes between physical balance, psychological or mental balance and chemical balance. In this article we would like to take a closer l...
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Ligaments and tendons

What are ligaments and tendons? Ligaments and tendons enable us to hold and move our bodies. Together with the bones, muscles and joints, they form the human musculoskeletal ...
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EEG study: Aeris Swopper increases concentration

EEG study: The effect of dynamic postural control while sitting on Aeris Swopper on the ability to concentrate. The present study investigated the extent to which dynamic sitt...
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Cantilever chair

What is a cantilever chair? What has now found its way into the German language under the term cantilever chair, but also into many offices, conference rooms, dining rooms or ...
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What does flexibility mean? The term flexibility or the adjective flexible has its origins in the Latin language (flectere) and means something like pliable, yielding, elasti...
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What is sciatica? Sciatica sounds complicated, but it means nothing more than pain caused by an inflammation of the sciatic nerve (Nervus ischiadicus). Sciatica is a lumbar n...
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Postural damage

What exactly are postural defects? Postural damage occurs when bony changes in the spine can be identified that have occurred due to incorrect loading . A healthy spine has a...
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Brain activity

What does brain activity mean? To answer this question, we should first establish what the brain actually is. The brain is the part of the central nervous system located in t...
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What are joints? Anatomically speaking, a joint is a movable connection between at least two bones. A distinction is made between true joints (in technical terms, diarthroses...
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Flex zone

What is a flex zone? The flex zone is a zone on a chair or office chair that has a certain degree of flexibility and therefore not only allows for comfortable sitting, but al...
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How much sitting is healthy?

The most important statements from the interview with Dr. Dieter Breithecker: (Back) pain is an “early warning system” – it shows that something is wrong and calls for act...
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Back pain

The widespread disease of back pain Back pain has become a widespread disease in our society. Around 80 percent of people experience back pain at least once in their lives. W...
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Back problems in children

Poor posture in children Many adults suffer from back problems, which is not uncommon. But children are also increasingly affected. Back problems in children should definitel...
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Quality seal for 3D ergonomics

Quality seal for the idea, development and implementation of the concept of “3D ergonomics” In recognition of the development of particularly moving products, projects or con...
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What is proprioception? The term proprioception has its origins in Latin and is made up of “proprio”, which means “own” and “zeption”, which means feeling. In general, it is ...
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What does prevention mean? The term prevention has its origins in the Latin language and comes from the word praevenire, which means “to anticipate”. In our current language,...
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What is osteoporosis? Osteoporosis is a metabolic disease that leads to bone loss. As the disease progresses, bone mass is broken down and bone density decreases. The bones b...
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Osteopathy – what is it actually? Osteopathy is a manual procedure for examining and treating the musculoskeletal system, organs and tissue, based on the assumption that any ...
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Where does the word “office” come from? The word has its origins in French: bureau. This spelling is still rarely found in German today. An office means a business room, work...
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Muscles and movement Muscles are the engine of our body. Muscles keep us moving and at the same time have a huge appetite for energy, even when we are at rest. There is not a...
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Muscle Calf Pump

What is a muscle calf pump? As the name suggests, the muscle calf pump is a type of pump that is powered by muscle power. There are several muscle pumps in our body that are ...
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What is the cycle? What is called the circulatory system for short is actually called the cardiovascular system or circulatory system. This is the body's transport system, wh...
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Home Office

What is a home office? What used to be called boring home work is now called home office and actually means nothing other than working from home. Depending on the job and emp...
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Aeris Swopper practical report by physiotherapist Sabine Geist

Aeris Swopper – a practical report Physiotherapists are a very skeptical bunch, they have to try everything and give their critical, sometimes devastating verdict. Seating is...
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Eight input devices receive the AGR seal of approval

Microsoft receives AGR seal of approval The Aktion Gesunder Rücken eV (AGR) has awarded eight Microsoft products with the AGR seal of quality. This means that these devices h...
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Ergonomics not only in the office

Ergonomic office equipment Modern offices are often ergonomically designed, but ergonomics should also be considered in other areas. Many offices are furnishing their rooms w...
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Executive chair

The perfect ergonomic executive chair An executive chair promises comfort. At work. In the office. In the home office. But too much comfort is bad for people. Because "comfor...
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