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Our movement

Aeris is driven by the desire to develop products and To develop concepts that support the body throughout Keep moving throughout the day.

Sounds like a workout and a strenuous Training method?

Not at all! The opposite is the case. Because all the Movements that have these positive health effects The body does this all by itself, without us having to motivate ourselves to do so.

What we mean by real 3D technology.

For us, 3D has nothing to do with cinema screens, glasses and popcorn. We are talking about movement options in all three dimensions: forwards and backwards, left and right and - unique to Aeris - movement in the third dimension, namely up and down. This is particularly important because it makes breathing deeper, stimulates the metabolism, promotes muscle development and provides good nutrition for the intervertebral discs.

In short: Active sitting with Aeris 3D technology has a similar effect on our body as loose Walking. The muscles are constantly trained. And this happens automatically, without us actively to have to do something. This is how


Up and down

Not only do internal organs swing in a natural rhythm, the intervertebral discs are also kept fit by the loading and unloading. Their metabolism works like a sponge: when the load is unloaded, the nutrient fluid surrounding them is sucked in, and when pressure is applied, it is released again. Since the loading and unloading points constantly change when you move, the intervertebral discs are better supplied with nutrients when you move a lot than when you move a little. This prevents back pain and can relieve it.

For example, the kidneys move up to 10 cm with the rhythm of breathing. They need this up and down movement to function properly. When sitting statically, this movement is missing. So the kidneys reduce their performance and this logically affects the whole body.


To the left and to the right

From the hips you move through the lateral Deflection. This allows you to reach quite far and The back always remains straight. Even if you stealing a cookie from your office neighbor.

"We owe our undisputed leading position in the field of dynamic seating to the 3D technology that Aeris developed 25 years ago for the Aeris Swopper. Because practically everyone can feel how good it is."


Back and forth

By tilting the pelvis forward, the back remains straight. This allows for deep breathing and keeps This gets the circulation going. The secret is that ground-level joint that allows a natural forward inclination of the entire upper body to the work surface.

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  • Bitte beachte, dass personalisierte Produkte von Umtausch, Stornierung und Rückgabe ausgeschlossen sind.
  • Die Lieferzeit verlängert sich um bis zu 10 Tage.
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