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Metabolic syndrome

What is metabolic syndrome?

Metabolic syndrome is a disease resulting from permanent overeating that goes hand in hand with a lack of exercise . Metabolic syndrome is also called the deadly quartet because it is a combination of different diseases and symptoms that, along with smoking, are considered the four most important risk factors for cardiovascular disease: abdominal obesity (excess weight around/on the stomach), impaired fat and cholesterol levels (elevated blood lipid levels), high blood pressure and abnormally high blood sugar levels or insulin resistance.

What are the symptoms of metabolic syndrome?

Metabolic syndrome is typically characterized by excess weight and fat deposits, particularly around the stomach. There are official limits for this, which are a maximum of 90 centimeters for men and 80 centimeters for women. Since metabolic syndrome is a combined disease, at least two other factors from those mentioned above must be present for a diagnosis (blood lipid levels, arterial high blood pressure, insulin resistance).

How does metabolic syndrome develop?

Metabolic syndrome is usually only noticed very late - and that is the danger. The actual symptoms and the life-threatening heart attack or stroke only occur when arteriosclerosis (hardening of the arteries) has already developed over years. It is similar with high cholesterol or diabetes. This is why many patients find it difficult to accept that metabolic syndrome is a disease once it has been diagnosed and to do something about it. Consistent support from a doctor is therefore a prerequisite.

How do you treat metabolic syndrome?

If metabolic syndrome is diagnosed, the resulting damage poses a great risk: diabetes, heart attack, stroke. The patient therefore has no choice but to radically change their lifestyle and eating habits.

It starts with weight loss. This should be moderate, however, i.e. around 10 to 15 percent within the first twelve months. A diet plan is developed with a focus on low-carbohydrate and low-fat foods. In order to counteract possible high blood pressure, reducing salt is also important in this context.

Treatment through exercise?

In addition to combating obesity, exercise is also on the agenda. The attending physician will draw up an accompanying training plan consisting of endurance training and weight-bearing training. In addition, the patient can get exercise by avoiding the car and walking or cycling where possible, taking the stairs instead of the elevator, sitting in a moving position in the office (e.g. on a Swopper or a 3Dee from Aeris) and generally taking advantage of any temptation to exercise.

If the risk of cardiovascular disease is very high or the metabolism is very unbalanced, a doctor will certainly also prescribe medication to reduce high blood fats, combat high blood pressure or treat insulin resistance.

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