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Artikel Mar 23

10 simple tips on what you can do to combat obesity in the office

What effects being overweight has on your health and what you can do about it at work.

The vice of our affluent society: we are getting fatter and fatter. A piece of chocolate here, a piece of cake there, a cup of cappuccino there, taking the elevator in the morning and ideally driving everywhere. You quickly end up with a few extra kilos on your hips. Do you know that?

And you are not alone. 53 percent of women in Germany are overweight, and for men the figure is over 67 percent (including obesity).* Anyone with a body mass index (BMI) of over 25 is considered overweight. Obesity begins at a BMI of 30.

The BMI is calculated by dividing your weight in kilograms by your height in meters multiplied by itself. For example: Body weight 60, height 1.65 m = 60 : (1.65 x 1.65) = 22.

The question "Do I need to lose weight?" should not be based solely on BMI, as this does not take into account how the fat is distributed. Belly fat is much more dangerous than fat on the thighs and buttocks. It produces various hormones that greatly increase the risk of cardiovascular diseases such as heart attacks or strokes. This is why doctors consider waist circumference to be more informative than BMI.

The waist circumference should be less than 88 centimeters for women and less than 102 centimeters for men. It is best to measure the value with a normal tape measure in the morning and at navel height while breathing out.

You can also compare the waist circumference with the hip circumference (waist-to-hip ratio (WHR); waist circumference divided by hip circumference) and the height (waist-to-height ratio (WHtR; waist circumference divided by height). For people under 40, overweight begins at a value of 0.51. People over 40 can have 0.01 points more per year of life, up to a maximum value of 0.61.

The additional fat cells that are formed when we are overweight are unfortunately pure poison for our bodies and increase the risk of chronic diseases. Life expectancy can also be reduced by years. As your weight increases, so does your risk of high blood pressure, diabetes, cancer, cardiovascular disease, gout, heart attack, metabolic syndrome, etc. And of course also of disorders of your musculoskeletal system (knees, hips, spine, etc.).

Waist circumference is more informative than BMI in determining overweight.

The cause: too much energy – too little exercise

Dr. Stefanie Gerlach from the German Obesity Society makes it clear that the increasing obesity in Germany and Europe is a “biological response to a living environment that promotes obesity.”** There are of course also individual causes (genetic factors, family socialization), but the main causes are an unhealthy diet, too little exercise, chronic stress and insomnia.

This means that in most cases, excess weight is caused by a positive energy balance. If you take in more energy than you use, your body stores the excess energy in the form of fat tissue "for times of need". The body converts 7000 excess calories into around 1 kg of fat tissue!

Your body has a certain basal metabolic rate, i.e. an amount of energy that it needs to survive, even when you are sleeping or not moving. This calorie requirement must be met, otherwise your body cannot maintain its functions. Your total calorie requirement (total metabolic rate) is then the energy that you use through movement and work in addition to your basal metabolic rate.

The daily calorie requirement varies from person to person and depends on age, gender, size and exercise habits.

The rule of thumb for calorie consumption at rest ( basal metabolic rate ) is for men: Basal metabolic rate = [body weight in kg] x 24 x 1.0. For women: Basal metabolic rate = [body weight in kg] x 24 x 0.9.

In terms of total expenditure, for example, a female office worker weighing 60 kg burns around 2,000 calories in 24 hours, while her male counterpart weighing 80 kg burns 2,800 calories. However, if this man does a lot of sport in his free time, he may burn significantly more calories per day, because muscle mass burns more calories than fat.

Lots of fruit and vegetables and whole grain products for a healthy meal in the office.

The solution: eat healthier - exercise more

A healthy diet is one of the main factors in combating obesity. But that doesn't mean you have to run around with a growling stomach. Quite the opposite. That's when cravings come and you're more likely to opt for a high-calorie snack than a healthy meal.

It's more about choosing the right foods. Foods stimulate fat metabolism and digestion in very different ways and also have different effects on our hunger, hormones or even how many calories we burn. Healthy foods contain lots of vitamins, minerals and fiber and little sugar, saturated fatty acids and salt. In general, the following foods are good for losing weight:

  • Leafy vegetables such as spinach, rocket, kale or iceberg lettuce
  • Cruciferous vegetables such as cauliflower, broccoli, Brussels sprouts
  • Cooked potatoes
  • avocado
  • Cottage cheese, low-fat curd
  • Whole grain products such as whole grain pasta, whole grain rice or whole grain bread
  • Beans and legumes such as lentils, chickpeas,
  • Salmon, tuna
  • Chicken and lean beef
  • nuts
  • Grapefruit

  • In a balanced diet, the three main sources of energy - protein, fat and carbohydrates - should be in approximately this ratio: 15% protein, 30% fat and 55% carbohydrates. If you want to lose weight, a daily deficit of 200 to 250 calories is enough. In this way, you can lose around 1 kilo in a week.

    Aeris tip for healthy snacks in the office: nuts.

    Tricks & tips for a healthy diet in the office

  • Planning is key! If you don't have the opportunity or desire to go to a restaurant every day during your lunch break or use a food delivery service, you should prepare your meals at home. The advantage: you know exactly what is in your meals. A weekly meal plan makes it easier for you to prepare for shopping and cooking. ( Recipe ideas )
  • Eat breakfast! Breakfast is actually the most important meal of the day. So eat a sufficient, nutritious breakfast in peace and quiet – ideally before work.
  • Snack in between meals! Small snacks help you to maintain your concentration and avoid cravings. It's best to prepare small fruit and vegetable sticks, e.g. made from carrots, peppers, kohlrabi or apples, in small boxes. Nuts or natural yoghurt are also very good for when you're a little hungry in between meals. That way you don't have to reach for a chocolate bar or a bag of chips when things get stressful.
  • Drink enough! Drinking is often neglected in the office. It is important that you drink enough liquids to provide the body with sufficient nutrients and activate the metabolism. Water or unsweetened tea are suitable here. If you like it a bit fruitier, you can also spice up your water with lemon or orange slices. To remind yourself to drink, it is best to put a full water bottle on your desk first thing in the morning and refill it regularly. You should definitely avoid sugary drinks such as lemonade, cola, iced tea, etc.
  • Take your time when eating! This means that you should not eat your lunch in front of the screen, but rather take a break and consciously concentrate on your food.

    With the Aeris Active Office Desk double desk, you can integrate intuitive movement sequences into your everyday work routine.

    Tricks & tips for more exercise in the office

    The second component through which you can actively influence your energy balance is the complex of muscles and movement. We move far too little, sit for too long, and do it incorrectly.

    Every movement uses energy. Sporting activities are therefore ideal for burning more calories, boosting your metabolism and reducing fat deposits. Sport also helps build muscle. Muscles are the number one fat killer. Each muscle fiber increases your basal metabolic rate, i.e. the amount of energy your body needs to maintain all functions when at rest. This is called "losing weight while you sleep."

    But what can you do in the office to move more and activate your muscles?

  • Sit-stand desk: A sit-stand desk, such as the Aeris Active Office Desk , can be a good way to integrate more movement into your daily work routine. The double desk consists of a standing and a sitting work surface. This allows you to intuitively switch between standing and sitting without interrupting your work. This way you achieve a healthy sit-stand dynamic and stay constantly moving. It is best to change your position every 20 minutes or so. For example, you can organize your work so that you make phone calls while standing, write more while sitting, etc.
  • Active seating: Some office chairs and stools are designed to encourage movement and activate your muscles, such as the Aeris Swopper work stool. Thanks to its 3D technology, you can move in all directions with the chair (forwards, vertically and sideways). The Aeris Swopper follows every movement of your body and not the other way around. With the moving 3D sitting on the Swopper, you can burn up to 300 extra calories. No wonder: Studies have shown that when sitting on the Aeris Swopper, you move more than twice as much as on conventional office chairs. And as a nice side effect, the oxygen supply to the brain also increases, and with it the ability to perform and concentrate.
  • Short exercise breaks : Try to take a short exercise break every 30 minutes if possible. Simply walk around the office or your apartment or do some light stretching exercises. Here are some suggestions .
  • Active workspace: Make sure that things that you use frequently during the workday, such as printers, trash cans, snacks or filing cabinets, are kept far away so that you have to get up and move around frequently. So don't get too comfortable at your workstation.
  • Otherwise, the old recipes apply: use the stairs instead of the elevator, attend meetings while standing or walking, talk on the phone while standing or walking, go for a walk during your lunch break, park your car further away from work, or cycle to work.

  • So you don't have to set up a huge exercise program. Smaller, regular exercise sessions and active office furniture also boost your metabolism, activate your muscles and help you burn more calories and stay fit. Try it out!

    Disclaimer: Please note that we are not doctors and do not offer medical advice. The content in this article is for general information purposes only and cannot replace a specialist diagnosis and treatment. If you have any doubts or questions, always consult your doctor.

    With the Aeris Swopper office stool you can move around a lot in your home office or office

    * https://de.statista.com/themen/1468/uebergewicht-und-adipositas/
    ** https://www.deutschlandfunkkultur.de/uebergewicht-in-deutschland-ein-schwer-wiegendes-problem-100.html


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