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Artikel Dec 21

New Aeris brand campaign: provocatively wake people up!

Our Europe-wide campaign in a new language and design style sends a clear signal for more movement

Almost two years after our relaunch, we at Aeris are now going one step further and sending a clear signal for a healthier life in motion - especially when sitting! How and why we do this? We'll show you here.

About two years have passed since we turned everything upside down at Aeris and reinvented ourselves with the relaunch. But of course that's not enough to bring our vision of a healthier, more active life to the world. So what is the new Aeris brand campaign like? Pointed and provocative! Why are we doing it? To wake people up!

Because back pain, lifestyle diseases and very little exercise are part of everyday life for many people. We are declaring war on these problems!

Provocative questions with the right answers

With the right answers to provocative questions, the new Aeris brand campaign shows the connection between lack of exercise and back pain, lethargy, bad mood and poor performance at work. For example:

  • As a child I could never sit still. Now I can. I can hardly get up from my chair.
  • If sitting is the new smoking, we are what has yet to be invented for smokers...
  • Now follow a movement! That of your body
  • Your child can't sit still? Good!
  • Do you know for whom the meeting went suboptimally? For your metabolism!
  • Why do we call it flexible working hours if you never move?

First insights: This is the new Aeris brand campaign

Of course, we are waking people up on all channels - online, in print, in specialist shops and on social media - and we are doing this across Europe. Take a first look at what's coming...

Aeris Brand Campaign 2022. International Out of Home Advertising.

Aeris Brand Campaign 2022. Large out of home poster on building.

Aeris Brand Campaign 2022. Social Media Post.

Aeris Brand Campaign 2022. Out of Home advertising in the subway.

Artikel Oct 20

Home office as a cause of headaches and back pain

DACH study shows: Home office causes health problems such as back pain or headaches for two out of three employees.

Read here
Artikel Sep 20

A trillion dollar partnership: Google and the Aeris Swopper

When Larry Page and Sergey Brin developed the test version of Google on the Aeris Swopper.

Read here
Artikel Sep 21

5 things to recognize a good ergonomic office chair

What actually makes a good ergonomic office chair? Good question. The following 5 tips show you what you absolutely have to pay attention to.

Read here

Our product recommendation

Willst du deinen Aeris Swopper personalisieren?

Du hast deinen Lieblings-Swopper konfiguriert? Dann kannst du nun mit der Personalisierung beginnen. Und so geht’s: Trage deinen Wunschtext einfach in das Feld ein – Fertig.

( max. 20 Zeichen )

  • Bitte beachte, dass personalisierte Produkte von Umtausch, Stornierung und Rückgabe ausgeschlossen sind.
  • Die Lieferzeit verlängert sich um bis zu 10 Tage.
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