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Artikel May 22

Aeris commitment to climate protection – climate neutral by 2030

Aeris is a founding member of the entrepreneur alliance “THE CLIMATE NEUTRALS”. The goal: to work in a climate-neutral manner by 2030.

Together with 19 other companies from the districts of Munich and Ebersberg, Aeris joined forces to form the “DIE CLIMATE NEUTRALS” alliance in May 2022. Aeris’ commitment to climate protection includes a reduction plan to continuously reduce emissions of climate-damaging greenhouse gases by 2030.

"Without a doubt, it is an ambitious goal to become climate-neutral as a company within eight years. But it can be achieved, especially if you can work on it together with others. Aeris has always paid great attention to people's quality of life. Not only in the development of our products, but also actively in environmental protection. For example, back in 1982 I was involved in the construction of the first 16 photovoltaic systems in Europe on behalf of the EU," says Aeris Managing Director Josef Glöckl, adding: "That's why we are very pleased to be a founding member of the climate-neutral movement and to make a contribution to climate protection as a company."

Energy Agency Ebersberg-Munich supports with targeted measures

The regional business alliance was initiated by the Ebersberg-Munich Energy Agency. This agency supports companies with targeted measures on their path to climate neutrality. "We want to create an effective and directly understandable offer for companies to accompany them on the path to climate-friendly business," says Munich District Administrator Christoph Göbel. A look at the figures shows how important the environmental commitment of Aeris and the other companies in the region is: In the Munich district, industry and commerce are responsible for 42 percent of CO2 emissions. In the Ebersberg district, the figure is 34 percent.

Logo of the Climate Alliance

To ensure that companies achieve their self-imposed goals, the Ebersberg-Munich Energy Agency is initially focusing on energy efficiency and savings potential. Only when all technical and structural measures within the company have been exhausted can the remaining emissions be compensated. "The alliance is putting almost everything in the companies to the test: from the procurement of energy sources to the commute of employees and even the vehicle fleet. If the measures recommended by the energy agency are consistently implemented, a large amount of greenhouse gases can be saved and the climate effectively protected," says Robert Niedergesäß, District Administrator of the Ebersberg district.

We want to live up to our social responsibility as a company

Josef Glöckl

Managing Director Aeris

The Ebersberg-Munich Climate Agency also initially creates a climate balance sheet for Aeris. The experts then develop a detailed reduction plan with precise measures for the annual reduction of climate-damaging greenhouse gases. Josef Glöckl: "I think we at Aeris are already on the right track with some of the measures we have taken. However, as a member of the climate-neutral group, we can exploit our potential even better and thus fulfill our social responsibility as a company."

All further information about the alliance
You can find “THE CLIMATE NEUTRALS” here.

Artikel Dec 21

New Aeris brand campaign: provocatively wake people up!

Our Europe-wide campaign in a new language and design style sends a clear signal for more movement

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Artikel Dec 21

Aeris launches New Work offensive

A rethink is needed, especially when it comes to the topic of “New Work”. A hybrid working model is the solution.

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Artikel Feb 22

Aeris named TOP 100 Innovator

For the third time, innovation leader Aeris has been named one of the TOP 100 German SMEs in 2022.

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